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Auction archive: Lot number 7

English School, circa 1780 An Officer, facing left, in scarlet uniform with white facings and silver epaulettes, powdered hair en queue

Auction 01.09.1993
1 Sep 1993
£300 - £400
ca. US$457 - US$609
Price realised:
ca. US$637
Auction archive: Lot number 7

English School, circa 1780 An Officer, facing left, in scarlet uniform with white facings and silver epaulettes, powdered hair en queue

Auction 01.09.1993
1 Sep 1993
£300 - £400
ca. US$457 - US$609
Price realised:
ca. US$637

English School, circa 1780 An Officer, facing left, in scarlet uniform with white facings and silver epaulettes, powdered hair en queue oval, 1 3/8in. (35mm.) high; and a Lady in white dress (English School, circa 1790) oval, 1½in. (38mm.) high; and an assortment of three unframed portrait miniatures and five unframed silhouettes on card (10)

Auction archive: Lot number 7
1 Sep 1993
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

English School, circa 1780 An Officer, facing left, in scarlet uniform with white facings and silver epaulettes, powdered hair en queue oval, 1 3/8in. (35mm.) high; and a Lady in white dress (English School, circa 1790) oval, 1½in. (38mm.) high; and an assortment of three unframed portrait miniatures and five unframed silhouettes on card (10)

Auction archive: Lot number 7
1 Sep 1993
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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