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Auction archive: Lot number 5017


Sandafayre #5317
9 Feb 2021
£350 - £400
ca. US$479 - US$548
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 5017


Sandafayre #5317
9 Feb 2021
£350 - £400
ca. US$479 - US$548
Price realised:
n. a.

.GENERAL SECTION - WORLD COLLECTION - EARLY TO MIDDLE PERIOD in a fine old Yvert and Tellier album. Appears to have been assembled by a French collector who collected anything except France! We note French colonies with 1944 Red Cross and 1945 Eboue omnibus issues, earlier Algeria, Indo-China, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia and most other colonies. The rest of the album is dominated by Europe with Austria, extensive Belgium range, good Germany including first issue 'Eagles' to 5 Gr, German States, Italy, Portugal and colonies, Spain and Switzerland etc. The rest of the world includes GB with later QV to 1s, a scattering of Commonwealth countries, South American countries and USA from 1861 values onward. An attractive original collection in very good condition (Approx 1,700 stamps).

Auction archive: Lot number 5017
9 Feb 2021
Auction house:
Sandafayre Ltd.
Egerton Court Haig Road
Knutsford Cheshire, WA16 8DX
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1565 653214
+44 (0)1565 651637

.GENERAL SECTION - WORLD COLLECTION - EARLY TO MIDDLE PERIOD in a fine old Yvert and Tellier album. Appears to have been assembled by a French collector who collected anything except France! We note French colonies with 1944 Red Cross and 1945 Eboue omnibus issues, earlier Algeria, Indo-China, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia and most other colonies. The rest of the album is dominated by Europe with Austria, extensive Belgium range, good Germany including first issue 'Eagles' to 5 Gr, German States, Italy, Portugal and colonies, Spain and Switzerland etc. The rest of the world includes GB with later QV to 1s, a scattering of Commonwealth countries, South American countries and USA from 1861 values onward. An attractive original collection in very good condition (Approx 1,700 stamps).

Auction archive: Lot number 5017
9 Feb 2021
Auction house:
Sandafayre Ltd.
Egerton Court Haig Road
Knutsford Cheshire, WA16 8DX
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1565 653214
+44 (0)1565 651637
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