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Auction archive: Lot number 45

Pair of Rare 1868 Base Ball Passes For Washington’s Nationals and Olympic Ball Clubs

US$3,000 - US$5,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 45

Pair of Rare 1868 Base Ball Passes For Washington’s Nationals and Olympic Ball Clubs

US$3,000 - US$5,000
Price realised:

Pair of Rare 1868 Base Ball Passes For Washington’s Nationals and Olympic Ball Clubs These two 3" by 5" complimentary passes allowed entry to the two baseball grounds that existed in the Nation's Capital during the Civil War era. The first, dated December 1, 1868, is a pass from the National Base Ball Club for admission for a reporter of the Republican newspaper for a ball field at 15th and L. Streets. The second from that same year, is compliments of the Olympic Base Ball Club and admits the publishers for the Republican newspaper. Both also allow admittance for their "ladies" and feature very attractive bat and ball etchings. The Olympic pass is for the famous White Lot, a ball field on the Ellipse, just south of the White House. Each pass is in excellent shape. The year before these passes were issued the Nationals had made their groundbreaking "Tour of the West" and the Olympics would be a founding member club of the National League less than a decade later.

Auction archive: Lot number 45
5 Jun 2007
Auction house:
New York

Pair of Rare 1868 Base Ball Passes For Washington’s Nationals and Olympic Ball Clubs These two 3" by 5" complimentary passes allowed entry to the two baseball grounds that existed in the Nation's Capital during the Civil War era. The first, dated December 1, 1868, is a pass from the National Base Ball Club for admission for a reporter of the Republican newspaper for a ball field at 15th and L. Streets. The second from that same year, is compliments of the Olympic Base Ball Club and admits the publishers for the Republican newspaper. Both also allow admittance for their "ladies" and feature very attractive bat and ball etchings. The Olympic pass is for the famous White Lot, a ball field on the Ellipse, just south of the White House. Each pass is in excellent shape. The year before these passes were issued the Nationals had made their groundbreaking "Tour of the West" and the Olympics would be a founding member club of the National League less than a decade later.

Auction archive: Lot number 45
5 Jun 2007
Auction house:
New York
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