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Auction archive: Lot number 159

TIKHMENEV, Petr Aleksandrovich (1824-1888). Istoricheskoe Obozrenie Obrazovaniia Rossiisko-Amerikanskoi Kompanii. [Historical Survey of the Formation of the Russian-American Company.] St. Petersburg: Eduard Veimar, 1861-63.

US$15,000 - US$25,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 159

TIKHMENEV, Petr Aleksandrovich (1824-1888). Istoricheskoe Obozrenie Obrazovaniia Rossiisko-Amerikanskoi Kompanii. [Historical Survey of the Formation of the Russian-American Company.] St. Petersburg: Eduard Veimar, 1861-63.

US$15,000 - US$25,000
Price realised:

TIKHMENEV, Petr Aleksandrovich (1824-1888). Istoricheskoe Obozrenie Obrazovaniia Rossiisko-Amerikanskoi Kompanii. [Historical Survey of the Formation of the Russian-American Company.] St. Petersburg: Eduard Veimar, 1861-63. An important association copy of the first edition of “one of the cornerstones of any collection of books on Alaska” (Lada-Mocarski). The Delarov family copy: Efstratii Ivanovich Delarov (c.1740-1806) was an early general manager of the Russian-American Company from 1787 to 1791, known then as the Shelikhov-Golikov Company. Delarov was the immediate predecessor of the redoubtable Alexander Baranov, and remained a director of the company until his death. Paul I granted the company its charter in 1799, giving it a monopoly over all trade in its reach. Fort Ross, just north of San Francisco, was built by the company and marked the southernmost outpost of Russian America. The maps include a large folding map of the Russian colonies on the shores of the Pacific, a map of Sakhalin and the Amur estuary, a map of the Aleutian Islands, and a hand-colored folding map of the indigenous dialects of the Russian-American colonies. Pavel Viktorovich Delarov, who also added his name to this copy, was a noted collector of Old Masters. A manuscript note by Delarov's father Pavel records the provenance, in Russian: "My grandfather, Commercial Councilor, Evstratii Ivanovich Delarov, who is written about in this book, in the above mentioned pages [listed above this inscription] died in St. Petersburg as the Director of the Russian American Company in the year 1807, in his 63rd year of life. [And, in Pavel's hand:] This note made by my father, Viktor Ivanovich Delarov. [Signed] Pavel Viktorovich Delarov, Pavlovsk (Petersburg Guberniya). 22 July 1905." Lada-Mocarski 150; Tourville 4536; Wickersham 5955. Two parts in one volume, octavo (165 x 263mm). Three lithographed portraits printed on India paper and mounted on card with printed captions, a tinted lithographed view of New Arkhangelsk by Smirnov, and four folding maps by Grobov (repaired tear in the title margin, some spotting). Contemporary Russian half calf, red and brown morocco spine labels (spine with some surface wear, extremities rubbed). Provenance : Viktor Ivanovich Delarov (inscription) – Pavel Viktorovich Delarov (1850-1913; inscription) – shelf mark on the title; Russian bookseller’s price stamps on the rear endpaper – Christie's, 29 November 2007, lot 152.

Auction archive: Lot number 159
7 Dec 2017
Auction house:
New York

TIKHMENEV, Petr Aleksandrovich (1824-1888). Istoricheskoe Obozrenie Obrazovaniia Rossiisko-Amerikanskoi Kompanii. [Historical Survey of the Formation of the Russian-American Company.] St. Petersburg: Eduard Veimar, 1861-63. An important association copy of the first edition of “one of the cornerstones of any collection of books on Alaska” (Lada-Mocarski). The Delarov family copy: Efstratii Ivanovich Delarov (c.1740-1806) was an early general manager of the Russian-American Company from 1787 to 1791, known then as the Shelikhov-Golikov Company. Delarov was the immediate predecessor of the redoubtable Alexander Baranov, and remained a director of the company until his death. Paul I granted the company its charter in 1799, giving it a monopoly over all trade in its reach. Fort Ross, just north of San Francisco, was built by the company and marked the southernmost outpost of Russian America. The maps include a large folding map of the Russian colonies on the shores of the Pacific, a map of Sakhalin and the Amur estuary, a map of the Aleutian Islands, and a hand-colored folding map of the indigenous dialects of the Russian-American colonies. Pavel Viktorovich Delarov, who also added his name to this copy, was a noted collector of Old Masters. A manuscript note by Delarov's father Pavel records the provenance, in Russian: "My grandfather, Commercial Councilor, Evstratii Ivanovich Delarov, who is written about in this book, in the above mentioned pages [listed above this inscription] died in St. Petersburg as the Director of the Russian American Company in the year 1807, in his 63rd year of life. [And, in Pavel's hand:] This note made by my father, Viktor Ivanovich Delarov. [Signed] Pavel Viktorovich Delarov, Pavlovsk (Petersburg Guberniya). 22 July 1905." Lada-Mocarski 150; Tourville 4536; Wickersham 5955. Two parts in one volume, octavo (165 x 263mm). Three lithographed portraits printed on India paper and mounted on card with printed captions, a tinted lithographed view of New Arkhangelsk by Smirnov, and four folding maps by Grobov (repaired tear in the title margin, some spotting). Contemporary Russian half calf, red and brown morocco spine labels (spine with some surface wear, extremities rubbed). Provenance : Viktor Ivanovich Delarov (inscription) – Pavel Viktorovich Delarov (1850-1913; inscription) – shelf mark on the title; Russian bookseller’s price stamps on the rear endpaper – Christie's, 29 November 2007, lot 152.

Auction archive: Lot number 159
7 Dec 2017
Auction house:
New York
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