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Auction archive: Lot number 1841

used 2d. pale blue with small to good margins and showing litho inking flaw at top right, small to good margins, lightly cancelled by "PAID" in circle; central thin. B.P.A. Certificate (1996). S.G. 44, £325

Auction 18.06.1996
18 Jun 1996 - 19 Jun 1996
£60 - £80
ca. US$92 - US$123
Price realised:
ca. US$74
Auction archive: Lot number 1841

used 2d. pale blue with small to good margins and showing litho inking flaw at top right, small to good margins, lightly cancelled by "PAID" in circle; central thin. B.P.A. Certificate (1996). S.G. 44, £325

Auction 18.06.1996
18 Jun 1996 - 19 Jun 1996
£60 - £80
ca. US$92 - US$123
Price realised:
ca. US$74

used 2d. pale blue with small to good margins and showing litho inking flaw at top right, small to good margins, lightly cancelled by "PAID" in circle; central thin. B.P.A. Certificate (1996). S.G. 44, £325

Auction archive: Lot number 1841
18 Jun 1996 - 19 Jun 1996
Auction house:
London, King Street

used 2d. pale blue with small to good margins and showing litho inking flaw at top right, small to good margins, lightly cancelled by "PAID" in circle; central thin. B.P.A. Certificate (1996). S.G. 44, £325

Auction archive: Lot number 1841
18 Jun 1996 - 19 Jun 1996
Auction house:
London, King Street
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