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Auction archive: Lot number 569

used Blue; KB-KC, very large to enormous margins (portions of two adjoining stamps at foot), very neatly cancelled by one complete and one part strike of the blue-black Cross ; crease and KB with repair but most attractive. B.P.A. Certificate (1996) ...

Auction 08.10.1996
8 Oct 1996
£200 - £300
ca. US$317 - US$475
Price realised:
ca. US$637
Auction archive: Lot number 569

used Blue; KB-KC, very large to enormous margins (portions of two adjoining stamps at foot), very neatly cancelled by one complete and one part strike of the blue-black Cross ; crease and KB with repair but most attractive. B.P.A. Certificate (1996) ...

Auction 08.10.1996
8 Oct 1996
£200 - £300
ca. US$317 - US$475
Price realised:
ca. US$637

used Blue; KB-KC, very large to enormous margins (portions of two adjoining stamps at foot), very neatly cancelled by one complete and one part strike of the blue-black Cross ; crease and KB with repair but most attractive. B.P.A. Certificate (1996) states "not blue but a mixture of inks". Photo

Auction archive: Lot number 569
8 Oct 1996
Auction house:
London, King Street

used Blue; KB-KC, very large to enormous margins (portions of two adjoining stamps at foot), very neatly cancelled by one complete and one part strike of the blue-black Cross ; crease and KB with repair but most attractive. B.P.A. Certificate (1996) states "not blue but a mixture of inks". Photo

Auction archive: Lot number 569
8 Oct 1996
Auction house:
London, King Street
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