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Auction archive: Lot number 580

used The range comprising singles (3), pairs (4), strips of three, four, five (2), six and twelve, blocks of four and six, virtually all with margins all round (mostly large or very large), generally neatly cancelled and attractive; the adhesives mos...

Auction 08.10.1996
8 Oct 1996
£300 - £400
ca. US$475 - US$634
Price realised:
ca. US$765
Auction archive: Lot number 580

used The range comprising singles (3), pairs (4), strips of three, four, five (2), six and twelve, blocks of four and six, virtually all with margins all round (mostly large or very large), generally neatly cancelled and attractive; the adhesives mos...

Auction 08.10.1996
8 Oct 1996
£300 - £400
ca. US$475 - US$634
Price realised:
ca. US$765

used The range comprising singles (3), pairs (4), strips of three, four, five (2), six and twelve, blocks of four and six, virtually all with margins all round (mostly large or very large), generally neatly cancelled and attractive; the adhesives mostly good to fine. Not illustrated

Auction archive: Lot number 580
8 Oct 1996
Auction house:
London, King Street

used The range comprising singles (3), pairs (4), strips of three, four, five (2), six and twelve, blocks of four and six, virtually all with margins all round (mostly large or very large), generally neatly cancelled and attractive; the adhesives mostly good to fine. Not illustrated

Auction archive: Lot number 580
8 Oct 1996
Auction house:
London, King Street
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