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Auction archive: Lot number 362

Various Meissen cup and saucers comprising: two Marcolini cups painted with loose bouquets of flowers and sprigs below gilt bands of ovolos, with entwined stalk handles (wear); three cups and four saucers painted with flowers, Marcolini and Punkt per...

Auction 07.11.1996
7 Nov 1996
£300 - £350
ca. US$498 - US$581
Price realised:
ca. US$1,147
Auction archive: Lot number 362

Various Meissen cup and saucers comprising: two Marcolini cups painted with loose bouquets of flowers and sprigs below gilt bands of ovolos, with entwined stalk handles (wear); three cups and four saucers painted with flowers, Marcolini and Punkt per...

Auction 07.11.1996
7 Nov 1996
£300 - £350
ca. US$498 - US$581
Price realised:
ca. US$1,147

Various Meissen cup and saucers comprising: two Marcolini cups painted with loose bouquets of flowers and sprigs below gilt bands of ovolos, with entwined stalk handles (wear); three cups and four saucers painted with flowers, Marcolini and Punkt period marks; a blue and white 'Zwiebelmuster' cup and saucer, 20th century; and a Berlin saucer See illustration (a lot)

Auction archive: Lot number 362
7 Nov 1996
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

Various Meissen cup and saucers comprising: two Marcolini cups painted with loose bouquets of flowers and sprigs below gilt bands of ovolos, with entwined stalk handles (wear); three cups and four saucers painted with flowers, Marcolini and Punkt period marks; a blue and white 'Zwiebelmuster' cup and saucer, 20th century; and a Berlin saucer See illustration (a lot)

Auction archive: Lot number 362
7 Nov 1996
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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