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Auction archive: Lot number 598

A Bontems triple singing bird automaton

Auction 29.10.2003
29 Oct 2003
£1,800 - £2,500
ca. US$3,016 - US$4,190
Price realised:
ca. US$3,150
Auction archive: Lot number 598

A Bontems triple singing bird automaton

Auction 29.10.2003
29 Oct 2003
£1,800 - £2,500
ca. US$3,016 - US$4,190
Price realised:
ca. US$3,150

A Bontems triple singing bird automaton two of the birds with red and blue/green plumage respectively, moving heads, beaks and tails, under domed brass cage on circular tapering ogee giltwood base with composition relief, going-barrel movement and birdsong -- 20in. (51cm.) high, (third bird stationary)

Auction archive: Lot number 598
29 Oct 2003
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

A Bontems triple singing bird automaton two of the birds with red and blue/green plumage respectively, moving heads, beaks and tails, under domed brass cage on circular tapering ogee giltwood base with composition relief, going-barrel movement and birdsong -- 20in. (51cm.) high, (third bird stationary)

Auction archive: Lot number 598
29 Oct 2003
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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