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Auction archive: Lot number 560

Triple Singing Bird Cage Automaton by BontemsTriple Singing Bird Cage Automaton by Bontems

US$4,000 - US$6,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 560

Triple Singing Bird Cage Automaton by BontemsTriple Singing Bird Cage Automaton by Bontems

US$4,000 - US$6,000
Price realised:

Triple Singing Bird Cage Automaton by Bontems, the three birds with articulated heads, beaks and tails, with red and light gray, yellow and green, and iridescent green, blue and red plumage respectively, one perched, the other two standing, in domed cage with suspension loop and giltwood base with floral and foliate relief to the sides and canted corners, acanthus lower borders and bun feet, with intermittent going-barrel mechanism with bellows causing each bird to sing in turn while the other two remain stationary or look from side to side, ht. 20 in., nine movements.

Auction archive: Lot number 560
29 Jul 2006
Auction house:
Bonhams | Skinner
Park Plaza 63
Boston, MA 02116
United States
+1 (0)617 3505400
+1 (0)617 3505429

Triple Singing Bird Cage Automaton by Bontems, the three birds with articulated heads, beaks and tails, with red and light gray, yellow and green, and iridescent green, blue and red plumage respectively, one perched, the other two standing, in domed cage with suspension loop and giltwood base with floral and foliate relief to the sides and canted corners, acanthus lower borders and bun feet, with intermittent going-barrel mechanism with bellows causing each bird to sing in turn while the other two remain stationary or look from side to side, ht. 20 in., nine movements.

Auction archive: Lot number 560
29 Jul 2006
Auction house:
Bonhams | Skinner
Park Plaza 63
Boston, MA 02116
United States
+1 (0)617 3505400
+1 (0)617 3505429
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