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Auction archive: Lot number 140

Descartes (René)

£500 - £700
ca. US$620 - US$868
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 140

Descartes (René)

£500 - £700
ca. US$620 - US$868
Price realised:
n. a.

Descartes (René)Opera philosophica, 3 parts in 1, third edition, half-title, engraved portrait of the author with printer to reader verso, numerous woodcut illustrations and diagrams, lacking final blank to part 1, part 1 L3 reattached on stub, [Guibert 230; Willems 1196], Amsterdam, Louis & Daniel Elzevier, 1656 bound with Descartes (René) Meditationes de prima Philosophia, 3 parts in 1, general title printed in red and black and with woodcut foliage ornament, woodcut head- and tail-pieces and decorative initials, final f. of part 1 blank, part 2 Q2 small marginal hole at foot, [Guibert 53:7], Amsterdam, Johannes Jansson the Younger, 1658, together 2 works in 1 vol., occasional spotting or mostly light staining, lightly browned, contemporary blind-stamped vellum over boards, lacking backstrip, but holding firm, lacking ties, remains of tape to covers, little marked, small 4to

Auction archive: Lot number 140
25 May 2023
Auction house:
Forum Auctions
4 Ingate Place
London, SW8 3NS
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7871 2640

Descartes (René)Opera philosophica, 3 parts in 1, third edition, half-title, engraved portrait of the author with printer to reader verso, numerous woodcut illustrations and diagrams, lacking final blank to part 1, part 1 L3 reattached on stub, [Guibert 230; Willems 1196], Amsterdam, Louis & Daniel Elzevier, 1656 bound with Descartes (René) Meditationes de prima Philosophia, 3 parts in 1, general title printed in red and black and with woodcut foliage ornament, woodcut head- and tail-pieces and decorative initials, final f. of part 1 blank, part 2 Q2 small marginal hole at foot, [Guibert 53:7], Amsterdam, Johannes Jansson the Younger, 1658, together 2 works in 1 vol., occasional spotting or mostly light staining, lightly browned, contemporary blind-stamped vellum over boards, lacking backstrip, but holding firm, lacking ties, remains of tape to covers, little marked, small 4to

Auction archive: Lot number 140
25 May 2023
Auction house:
Forum Auctions
4 Ingate Place
London, SW8 3NS
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7871 2640
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