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Auction archive: Lot number 430


Auction 09.12.1999
9 Dec 1999
US$5,000 - US$7,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 430


Auction 09.12.1999
9 Dec 1999
US$5,000 - US$7,000
Price realised:

AN ETRUSCAN BRONZE MIRROR circa 4th century b.c. The cast circular mirror with a tapering extension, the tang partially preserved, the edges of the obverse with a tongue pattern and fine beading, the extension with a palmette and scrolling, the reverse engraved with a four figure scene, with an embracing couple in the center, the woman standing to the left, her head in three-quarter view, clad in a chiton, a diadem in her hair, wearing a beaded necklace, identified as Turan (Aphrodite) by an inscription above, her youthful lover to the right, his head turned towards her, depicted nude, his left hand raised towards her face, identified as Jason by an inscription to the right of his head, to their left sit a bearded warrior facing right, identified as Achle (Achilles) by an inscription above, fully armed in a corselet, a short chiton below, wearing a crested helmet, and holding a spear in his left hand, his right hand resting on his shield in profile below, the shield with a central rosette framed by various decorative bands, and to the right a standing goddess, identified a Menrva (Minerva) to her right, clad in a chiton and snakey aegis, holding a spear in her right hand, her shield behind her in profile, adorned with a head of Medusa, the scene encircled by an inner border of scrolling florals and an outer border of zigzag lines, with scrolls and a palmette on the extension, the disk deliberately destroyed at the time of burial 9 in. (24.8 cm) long

Auction archive: Lot number 430
9 Dec 1999
Auction house:
New York, Rockefeller Center

AN ETRUSCAN BRONZE MIRROR circa 4th century b.c. The cast circular mirror with a tapering extension, the tang partially preserved, the edges of the obverse with a tongue pattern and fine beading, the extension with a palmette and scrolling, the reverse engraved with a four figure scene, with an embracing couple in the center, the woman standing to the left, her head in three-quarter view, clad in a chiton, a diadem in her hair, wearing a beaded necklace, identified as Turan (Aphrodite) by an inscription above, her youthful lover to the right, his head turned towards her, depicted nude, his left hand raised towards her face, identified as Jason by an inscription to the right of his head, to their left sit a bearded warrior facing right, identified as Achle (Achilles) by an inscription above, fully armed in a corselet, a short chiton below, wearing a crested helmet, and holding a spear in his left hand, his right hand resting on his shield in profile below, the shield with a central rosette framed by various decorative bands, and to the right a standing goddess, identified a Menrva (Minerva) to her right, clad in a chiton and snakey aegis, holding a spear in her right hand, her shield behind her in profile, adorned with a head of Medusa, the scene encircled by an inner border of scrolling florals and an outer border of zigzag lines, with scrolls and a palmette on the extension, the disk deliberately destroyed at the time of burial 9 in. (24.8 cm) long

Auction archive: Lot number 430
9 Dec 1999
Auction house:
New York, Rockefeller Center
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