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Auction archive: Lot number 319

Colton's Atlas of the World, Illustrating Physical and Political Geography by George W. Colton. Accompanied by Descriptions, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, by Richard Swainson Fisher...Volume I.--North and South America, Etc. [and] Volume...

US$3,000 - US$5,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 319

Colton's Atlas of the World, Illustrating Physical and Political Geography by George W. Colton. Accompanied by Descriptions, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, by Richard Swainson Fisher...Volume I.--North and South America, Etc. [and] Volume...

US$3,000 - US$5,000
Price realised:

Title: Colton's Atlas of the World, Illustrating Physical and Political Geography by George W. Colton. Accompanied by Descriptions, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, by Richard Swainson Fisher...Volume I.--North and South America, Etc. [and] Volume II.--Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceanica, Etc. Author: Colton, George W. Place: New York Publisher: J. H. Colton & Co. Date: 1856 Description: 2 volumes. Vol. I with 61 hand-colored maps (2 are double-page), plus insets, and 1 plate with 4 maps not colored, all on 59 map-sheets; Vol. II with 42 hand-colored maps and charts (3 are double-page), plus insets, and 6 plates containing 15 maps that are not colored (including plans for London and Paris), all on 45 map-sheets; Vol. I with pictorial steel-engraved additional title page; Vol. II with steel-engraved frontispiece. 18½x16, original quarter black morocco and blind-stamped brown cloth, pictorially stamped and lettered in gilt, all edges gilt. Colton's important and large "Atlas of the World" in two volumes. Volume I with U.S. maps, including a double-page Texas map with two inset plans for Galveston Bay and Sabine Lake showing roads and trails going into Mexico; Nebraska and Kanzas (sic) with an extra large Nebraska (no Montana and portions of Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin); map for the Territories of New Mexico and Utah showing Fremont's 1844-45 routes; California with an inset of San Francisco and shows Atlantic and Pacific R.R. lines; Washington and Oregon Territories with extended land mass. City plans for Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, Savannah, Charleston, Louisville, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, St. Louis, and Chicago. Volume II with maps outside of the Americas, covering European countries, Australia, Arabia, Asia, Islands of the Pacific Ocean and a chart showing the mountains and rivers of the world. Gift inscription from 1856 on the front pastedown. Phillips 816. Lot Amendments Condition: Spines worn with large chips and tears (chiefly to Vol. II), corners bumped, rubbing; Vol. I rear board with 2 text leaves separated; Vol. II covers loose but attached; scattered foxing, a few marginal tears; covers and maps still clean with bright, very good contents, bindings need repair. Item number: 144295

Auction archive: Lot number 319
13 Jul 2006
Auction house:
PBA Galleries
1233 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
United States
+1 (0)415 9892665
+1 (0)415 9891664

Title: Colton's Atlas of the World, Illustrating Physical and Political Geography by George W. Colton. Accompanied by Descriptions, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, by Richard Swainson Fisher...Volume I.--North and South America, Etc. [and] Volume II.--Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceanica, Etc. Author: Colton, George W. Place: New York Publisher: J. H. Colton & Co. Date: 1856 Description: 2 volumes. Vol. I with 61 hand-colored maps (2 are double-page), plus insets, and 1 plate with 4 maps not colored, all on 59 map-sheets; Vol. II with 42 hand-colored maps and charts (3 are double-page), plus insets, and 6 plates containing 15 maps that are not colored (including plans for London and Paris), all on 45 map-sheets; Vol. I with pictorial steel-engraved additional title page; Vol. II with steel-engraved frontispiece. 18½x16, original quarter black morocco and blind-stamped brown cloth, pictorially stamped and lettered in gilt, all edges gilt. Colton's important and large "Atlas of the World" in two volumes. Volume I with U.S. maps, including a double-page Texas map with two inset plans for Galveston Bay and Sabine Lake showing roads and trails going into Mexico; Nebraska and Kanzas (sic) with an extra large Nebraska (no Montana and portions of Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin); map for the Territories of New Mexico and Utah showing Fremont's 1844-45 routes; California with an inset of San Francisco and shows Atlantic and Pacific R.R. lines; Washington and Oregon Territories with extended land mass. City plans for Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, Savannah, Charleston, Louisville, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, St. Louis, and Chicago. Volume II with maps outside of the Americas, covering European countries, Australia, Arabia, Asia, Islands of the Pacific Ocean and a chart showing the mountains and rivers of the world. Gift inscription from 1856 on the front pastedown. Phillips 816. Lot Amendments Condition: Spines worn with large chips and tears (chiefly to Vol. II), corners bumped, rubbing; Vol. I rear board with 2 text leaves separated; Vol. II covers loose but attached; scattered foxing, a few marginal tears; covers and maps still clean with bright, very good contents, bindings need repair. Item number: 144295

Auction archive: Lot number 319
13 Jul 2006
Auction house:
PBA Galleries
1233 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
United States
+1 (0)415 9892665
+1 (0)415 9891664
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