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Auction archive: Lot number 143

PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES]. GRANT, Ulysses S. Autograph endorsement signed ("U.S. Grant") as President, 15 April 1872. 37 words plus signature and date, written on the verso of an autograph letter signed of James G. Blaine, countersigned by fiv...

Auction 22.05.2001
22 May 2001
US$2,500 - US$3,500
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 143

PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES]. GRANT, Ulysses S. Autograph endorsement signed ("U.S. Grant") as President, 15 April 1872. 37 words plus signature and date, written on the verso of an autograph letter signed of James G. Blaine, countersigned by fiv...

Auction 22.05.2001
22 May 2001
US$2,500 - US$3,500
Price realised:

PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES]. GRANT, Ulysses S. Autograph endorsement signed ("U.S. Grant") as President, 15 April 1872. 37 words plus signature and date, written on the verso of an autograph letter signed of James G. Blaine, countersigned by five other congressmen, including Hanibal Hamlin, Washington, 2 April 1862. 1 page, 4to, House of Representatives stationery . Grant endorses the appointment of George W. Wood as a 2nd Lieutenant "to that regiment of Cav[alr]y in which there is the greatest number of vacancies." -- HAYES, Rutherford. Document signed ("R.B. Hayes") as President, 6 August 1880. 1 page, 4to . Order to affix the seal for "a warrant for the conditional pardon of Wm. Dinkelle." -- GARFIELD, James. Letter signed ("J.A. Garfield") to George Jones Washington, 10 May 1880. 4½ pages, 4to, House of Representatives stationery . Garfield discusses his views on the tariff: "I am in favor ... of a moderate protection to American industries ... I do not believe wood pulp ought to be on the Free List, but I think that industry can live, if the duty is reduced one half." -- CLEVELAND, Grover. Autograph letter signed ("Grover Cleveland") as President, to John J. O'Neill, Washington, 23 July 1888. 2 pages, 8vo, on White House stationery, integral blank, with separate envelope . The president congratulates O'Neill on his marriage. -- CLEVELAND, Frances. Card signed ("Frances J. Cleveland"), Washington, n.d. Executive mansion card . -- HARRISON, Benjamin. Typed letter signed ("Benj Harrison") to William H. Skinner, Indianapolis, 4 October 1888. 1 page, oblong 4to, on Harrison's stationery . Harrison sends thanks for his honorary membership to the Harrison & Morton Republican Club of Albany. -- MCKINLEY, William. Typed letter signed ("W McKinley") to M.J. Brown Canton, OH, 6 November 1896. 1 page, 4to, on McKinley's stationery . McKinley sends thanks for a congratulatory message on his election victory. -- MCKINLEY, William. Typed letter signed ("William McKinley") as President, to the Wilmington Board of Trade, 12 January 1899. 2 pages, 8vo, on White House stationery . McKinley regrets that he will be unable to attend a dinner for Senator George Gray -- ROOSEVELT, Theodore. Typed note signed ("Theodore Roosevelt") to an unknown recipient, Washington, 21 December 1897. 1 page, oblong 8vo, Navy Department stationery . Roosevelt encloses answers to the questions of the recipient. -- ROOSEVELT, Edith Kermit. Autograph note signed ("Edith K. Roosevelt"), to an unknown recipient, 22 April. 1 card . The first lady requests an article. -- ROOSEVELT, Edith Kermit. Card signed ("Edith Kermit Roosevelt"), n.p., n.d. 1 card . Together eleven items. (11)

Auction archive: Lot number 143
22 May 2001
Auction house:
New York, Rockefeller Center

PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES]. GRANT, Ulysses S. Autograph endorsement signed ("U.S. Grant") as President, 15 April 1872. 37 words plus signature and date, written on the verso of an autograph letter signed of James G. Blaine, countersigned by five other congressmen, including Hanibal Hamlin, Washington, 2 April 1862. 1 page, 4to, House of Representatives stationery . Grant endorses the appointment of George W. Wood as a 2nd Lieutenant "to that regiment of Cav[alr]y in which there is the greatest number of vacancies." -- HAYES, Rutherford. Document signed ("R.B. Hayes") as President, 6 August 1880. 1 page, 4to . Order to affix the seal for "a warrant for the conditional pardon of Wm. Dinkelle." -- GARFIELD, James. Letter signed ("J.A. Garfield") to George Jones Washington, 10 May 1880. 4½ pages, 4to, House of Representatives stationery . Garfield discusses his views on the tariff: "I am in favor ... of a moderate protection to American industries ... I do not believe wood pulp ought to be on the Free List, but I think that industry can live, if the duty is reduced one half." -- CLEVELAND, Grover. Autograph letter signed ("Grover Cleveland") as President, to John J. O'Neill, Washington, 23 July 1888. 2 pages, 8vo, on White House stationery, integral blank, with separate envelope . The president congratulates O'Neill on his marriage. -- CLEVELAND, Frances. Card signed ("Frances J. Cleveland"), Washington, n.d. Executive mansion card . -- HARRISON, Benjamin. Typed letter signed ("Benj Harrison") to William H. Skinner, Indianapolis, 4 October 1888. 1 page, oblong 4to, on Harrison's stationery . Harrison sends thanks for his honorary membership to the Harrison & Morton Republican Club of Albany. -- MCKINLEY, William. Typed letter signed ("W McKinley") to M.J. Brown Canton, OH, 6 November 1896. 1 page, 4to, on McKinley's stationery . McKinley sends thanks for a congratulatory message on his election victory. -- MCKINLEY, William. Typed letter signed ("William McKinley") as President, to the Wilmington Board of Trade, 12 January 1899. 2 pages, 8vo, on White House stationery . McKinley regrets that he will be unable to attend a dinner for Senator George Gray -- ROOSEVELT, Theodore. Typed note signed ("Theodore Roosevelt") to an unknown recipient, Washington, 21 December 1897. 1 page, oblong 8vo, Navy Department stationery . Roosevelt encloses answers to the questions of the recipient. -- ROOSEVELT, Edith Kermit. Autograph note signed ("Edith K. Roosevelt"), to an unknown recipient, 22 April. 1 card . The first lady requests an article. -- ROOSEVELT, Edith Kermit. Card signed ("Edith Kermit Roosevelt"), n.p., n.d. 1 card . Together eleven items. (11)

Auction archive: Lot number 143
22 May 2001
Auction house:
New York, Rockefeller Center
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